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Reclassification after Initial Classification as Nonresident (only applies for continuing students – second term or after)​

A student classified as a nonresident for a prior term may seek reclassification in any subsequent term; however, reclassification requires that, in addition to satisfying the requirements of LEGAL CAPACITY , PHYSICAL PRESENCE  and INTENT to remain indefinitely in the state, the student must also satisfy the requirement of  Financial Independence as outlined in Title 5 CCR § 41905.5

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Residence Reclassification: Financial Independence Requirement

  • Any nonresident student requesting reclassification to resident for tuition purposes must demonstrate financial independence
  • Student has not and will not be claimed as an exemption for state and federal tax purposes by his/her parent in the calendar year the reclassification application is made and in any of the three calendar years prior to the reclassification application
  • Student has not and will not receive more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) per year in financial assistance from his/her parent in the calendar year the reclassification application is made and in any of the three calendar years prior to the reclassification application
  • Student has not lived and will not live for more than six weeks in the home of his/her parent during the calendar year the reclassification application is made and in any of the three calendar years prior to the reclassification application

Students financially dependent on nonresident parents are not eligible for reclassification.

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Exemptions from the Financial Independence Requirement

Effective Fall 2020 academic term, if the student meets at least one of the following criteria, the student does not have to meet the financial independence requirement.  Student must provide the campus admissions office supporting documents (e.g. state income tax returns, court documents, marriage certificate, military order form, etc.) that demonstrate they meet the criteria.

  • Dependent on a parent who has California residence for more than one year immediately preceding the residence determination date;
  • Enrolled in a graduate or post‐baccalaureate program, regardless of age;
  • Turned 24 years of age by the residence determination date;
  • Married or registered domestic partner as of the residence determination date;
  • Active duty members serving in the U.S Armed Forces
  • Veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces
  • Legal dependent other than spouse or registered domestic partner
  • Former ward of the court, foster youth or both parents are deceased
  • Declared by a court to be an emancipated minor
  • Unaccompanied youth who is homeless or at risk of becoming homeless
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Steps to Submit Request for Reclassification

  1. Complete the CSU Residence Questionnaire. Ensure that you have answered Part C: Reclassification.
    1. Attach supporting documents from List A/B as evidence of your Physical Presence and Intent, dated over one year before the RDD.
      1. For students 19 years of age or over on the RDD, documents must contain the student’s name.
      2. For students under the age of 19 on the RDD, documents must contain the parent or legal guardian's name unless an exception applies.
    2. If you are a citizen of another country, attach documentation of an eligible immigration status  to demonstrate your Legal Capacity.
    3. If necessary, attach supporting documentation for the exemption from the Financial Independence
  2. Review that you have answered all questions and attached all necessary documentation then click “submit” to send us your request packet.
  3. Allow 3-4 weeks review and processing time. If additional information is needed, you will be contacted at your CSUF student email address.

CSUF Residence Questionnaire​

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